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Cryopreservation :

Cryopreservation means freezing the gametes at very low temperature( -196* C) in Liquid Nitrogen. At these stage all the biological activity & biochemical reactions of cell stops so the gametes or embryo remains at the same stage for many months or years. And later on that can be reused at required time after Thawing.
Semen: After semen washing, the semen sample is processed through different semen freezing media and then frozen.


  • When a husband is not able to give semen sample on demand – on a day of Ovum Pick Up.
  • Husband cannot remain present on the day of pick up. (Job / overseas)
  • Husband is going for any major surgery before an IVF treatment of wife.

  • Oocyte:

    It’s a newer technique in which a woman's eggs are extracted & frozen. And later on, can be used for fertilization after Thawing.

    Indication :

    • When more eggs are collected than needed in one cycle.
    • Donner egg cycle
    • Women’s going for ovarian removal surgery in Oncology.
    • Embryo:

      When more than needed embryos are formed they are cryopreserved to be used later on. Easier to do embryo freezing then egg freezing.